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Forrester Total Economic Impact Study for Moving Expensive Operating Systems and Traditional Software to Google Cloud

Forrester analyzed the total economic impact that using Google Workspace could have on a company, interviewing four medium-sized organizations and analyzing the benefits, costs, and risks associated with this investment.

Prior to the transition to Google Cloud, the companies in the study worked in on-premises structures with high maintenance costs, significant hardware and software investments, and recurring licensing fees. These structures were both slow to run and led to a poor user and customer experience.

After the transition of the companies examined to Google Cloud; while their working time decreased and their performance increased, it was seen that they saved management and especially licensing costs. In addition to the decrease in licensing costs, it was found that the pressure of time-consuming license audits was also greatly reduced.

Key Challenges Before Migrating to Google Cloud

Growing companies lacked the flexibility they needed.

Companies were spending a lot of time managing their infrastructure.

There was a high volume of planned and unplanned outages.

  • Numerical Benefits
  • Non-Quantitative Benefits
  • Costs

Quantified benefits to risk-adjusted current value (PV) include:

  • Annual savings of more than $7 million by avoiding in-house hardware, software and licensing costs.
  • 45% reduction in cloud spend thanks to optimized cloud infrastructure.
  • 90% reduction in application downtime.
  • 50% increase in infrastructure management efficiency.
  • Companies complete their cloud migration in half the estimated time.

Source: Forrester Total Economic Impact Study for
Migrating Expensive Operating Systems and Traditional Software to Google Cloud

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